пятница, 22 мая 2015 г.

Dear Sir Herald 

 I am writing in response to the article in the Wednesdays Halford Herald about the vandalism and graffiti on the high street.In my opinion graffiti is beautiful if done with the soul,not just to paint the walls not decent words,vandalism is very bad for all cities,it must be fought. I have some suggestions about how to deal with graffiti and vandalism.Firstly it is necessary to develop a special document on the right to paint graffiti to those people who want to make the city beautiful not to confront them.the vandals did not think that they will come with everything you need:as soon as you notice that the risk of vandals you need to call the emergency services when you arrive at your destination, describe what happened and the detectives will do their best to help you.You can still call the grafist and agree that he or she drew what you need.Those people who draw graffiti for yourself,not for the city will be fined,the government will find their traces or fingerprints on the spray.

Thank you for your attention.

Berg Katya

пятница, 24 апреля 2015 г.

Life experience

I would like to tell you about Life Experience and the way you can get it.Do you understand what Life Experience means? To my mind, your personal life experience includes your knowlege, ideas about different thinks, emotions connected, with different situations.Life experience can be different, for example, in some people not so lucky as they saw people with bad table manners.Suzy was very surprised when a man who did not know how to behave at the table turned restaurant critic.Stephen was the most interesting experience, he traveled to Mexico. He certainly was difficult to struggle with the language,try to get to the food,but he coped .А week later he made new friends, his host family talked and treated him as your own son.If you want to ever go to England you need to know a few traditions and cultures here for example Britons greet each other with firm handsnakes.Hugs are rare,but kissing on the cheek is not unusual between friends or relatives.Some loud noisy neighbors, their children play on your lawn, a dog barking day and night? If you talk to them and set things right then you'll be good neighbors. This is also Life Experience.And there are lots of people, who have changed their lives for the better, because they didn't like their previous like experience, for example it is hard to believe that at the age of 16 Liz Murray was homeless and sleeping on park benches and underground trains! Her parents werte drug addicts and couldn't look after her and her sister. Liz decided to tryto turn her life around , she went back to school and through dedicatio and determination, she eventually won a schoolarship to a top university. And so Liz has shared the stage with world leaders like Mikhail Gorbachev and the Dalai Lama as an international speaker.
You may spend a year studying abroad it will be your good life and language experience.I think the worst life experience this wedding because there are too many people are dancing and give you a lot of spice food, and so on, but still they are probably very funny.I think, that it's very important to gain positive life experience! 

понедельник, 20 апреля 2015 г.

Healthy Lifestyle

Healthy lifestyle - this is proper nutrition, daily sports and fresh air. All these features ensure a healthy life. People who exercise live longer than their peers. Proper nutrition improves the skin and the organism. Fresh air is also useful for the body.
Being healthy - the natural desire of every human being. Health - the concept is not only biological, but also social. Good health - a joyous sense of life, a high capacity for work. In our country, the health of each person.
For health, many procedures are used. For example - the water treatment. It protects the body from various diseases, especially colds. Also sun.
Generally a person who watches over the health, has many advantages. He always knows that you can not harm your health. They are taller, have more weight and chest circumference, muscle strength and vital capacity is higher. To preserve and maintain the health of people, are important: working conditions, cost of living, a way of life, state of health. All of these people's lives are determined by the social structure of society.


  • you will be healthy
  • you will be strong
  • you will be happy


  • you'll be rotten
  • you will die sooner
  • you'll be complaining about his life

воскресенье, 5 апреля 2015 г.

The way of life

In our world many people, some of them not very good.In life there are two ways.The first path of the good life when you got a good job, started a family , got married , went abroad to start your own business, retired , bought my own house to have grandchildren.The second way a bad life for example for those people who become thieves,murderers,criminals,bad parent they suffer , complain, have bad body odor , gossip about others.In General this is not a very good way.What about me I want to have a good way in the future and in the present.

пятница, 3 апреля 2015 г.


move house-сменить квартиру
get a promotion получить повышение по службе
start a family создать семью
get married пожениться
get fired or lose your job потерять работу или быть уволенным
get divorced развестись
move abroad поехать за границу
get a job получить работу
graduate from university выпуститься из университета
start your own business начать свой бизнес
have grandchildren есть внуки
retire уходить в отставку
buy your own house купить дом
have bad body odour плохой запах тела
gossip about others сплетни о других
talk in the cinema разговаривать в кино
talk loudly on a mobile phone громко говорить по телефону
have bad table manners плохие манеры
be late for an appointment опоздать на прием
take things without asking брать вещи без спроса
usher судебный пристав
furious в ярости
be someone's fault быть чьей-то виной
suffer from страдать от
complain пожаловаться
sneeze чихать
cover крышка
deal with иметь дело с
restaurant critic ресторанный критик
plenty много
pull into тянуть в
press against упереться
rail железнодорожный
break down сломать
be stuck застрять
polluted загрязненный

суббота, 14 марта 2015 г.

Peer pressure

Being a teenager is one of the toughest and most memorial things that one goes through in life. A teenager goes through many happy times and many depressing times. Stress, depression, and peer pressure, are some negative things that a teenager goes through in life. Friends and dating are joyful times that teenagers face in the adolescent years in today's time. 
                                                                                                                                                         Peer pressure is the influence exerted by a peer group, encouraging individuals to change their attitudes, values, or behaviors in order to conform to group norms. A person affected by peer pressure may or may not want to belong to these groups. 

Peer pressure is most commonly associated with youth, in part because most youth spend large amounts of time in schools and other fixed groups that they do not choose and are seen as lacking the maturity to handle pressure from friends.

Peer pressure can also have positive effects when people are pressured toward positive behavior, such as volunteering for charity or excelling in academics or athletics, by their peers. This is most commonly seen in youths who are active in sports or other extracurricular activities where conformity with one's peer group is strongest.

среда, 11 марта 2015 г.

 Facts about sleepОдиннадцать развенчаных мифов о сне 

1.Without food a person can live much longer than without sleep.

2.During the first two years of a child's life, young parents lost an average of half sleep.

3.People spend a third of your life asleep (about 25 years or more).

4.Giraffes sleep only 1.9 hours per day - slightly more than eleven 10-minute periods. But koalas are the most long dormant mammals, whose dream can last up to 22 hours a day

5.Currently, doctors determined for 84 types of disorders related to problems of sleep/wakefulness.

6.Ken Parkes killed his own mother with a truncheon on the head and tried to kill the father through the choking. Finally, after medical confirmation of sleepwalking by the accused, he was acquitted by the court.

7.More than 70 million Americans suffer from sleep disorders. Of these, over 60% have chronic disorders.

понедельник, 9 марта 2015 г.

Quality Alain

I think that Alain can be described brave,intelligent,fearlessly.
Alain discribed brave because climbs skyscrapers without any danger, but is afraid of height.He is smart because it tells people
"Maybe they think their building is ugly this big tower with lots of glass-the opposite of a natural landscape.  But for me,  it's a kind of urban mountain.  So I use the place where they work,  and I make it a kind of wonderland.  Everywhere I cimb.  I see people whi are happy". He fearlessly because when. it began to rain and he was stuck on the 35th floor, he did not panic, and waited for the rain to stop.

воскресенье, 8 марта 2015 г.

Dangerous Animals in my country

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I'm tell your about dangerous animals in my country. Many animals,no matter how cute and harmless from they may seem, pose a much greater threat than it seems at first glance. Ocсasionally small pets are much dangerously large, because the nature of that  compensate for the size, provided them with in telligence, poison quickly. Polar bear by nature he is very curious that prompts him to get close to the man closer. But the bear will attack only if the sense of danger. Especially carefully polar bears belong to their young because derour anyone who can potentially pose a risk to offspring. The most common polar bears in the Northern Chukotko, on the Islands of the Barents sea,Kara and Chukchi seas.

пятница, 20 февраля 2015 г.

About myself

Hello,I tell you about myself.My name is Katya.I was born in city Chelyabinsk.I was born 18.04.2001.Now I learn in school "7 keys" in grade 7A.My favorite color is pink and blue.I ride my bike,skete,skates,horse riding and I swim.I have mother, father and brother.my mother very tasty cook,my father helps me lessons,I with my little brother together plaing in computer and in active game.Now I will tell you about my school.In School I spend time with 9:00 to 18:00.My favorite lessons is algebra and giography.